Friday, June 25, 2021

Matariki Report

Matariki is a common celebration for Maori citizens. Maori people celebrate Matariki in different ways, like: fishing, flying kites, planting and harvesting. Matariki is a Maori name for the Cluster of Stars known as pleiades. Matariki literally means: Eyes of God or Mata ariki or small eyes. Ranginui - sky father and papatuanuku - Earth mother got separated from their naughty children. And Tawhirimatea - God of the wind got so angry that he tore his eyes out and threw them to the Heavens. Traditionally Matariki is a time for remembering those loved ones who have passed and also a time to plant and harvest food in the store houses and a good time to dance and also singing. But Matariki got stopped in the 1940’s. The stars names are: Matariki, Tupuarangi, waipuna-a-rangi, waiti, Tupuanuku, ururangi, waita, pohutukawa and Hiwa-i-te-rangi.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Umu Explanation


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Monday, June 14, 2021

Goldilocks & the Three Bears/ Samoan

 Goldilocks & the Three Bears/ Samoan

I aso lava la ua leva, sa iai PEA e tolu. O le Pea tele lapoa ole tama, ole Pea feololo ole Tina, male Pepe Pea laititi. O le latou malu taeao masani ole polesi. I se tasi taeao, sa alu le savaliga a Pea nei e tolu, a’o loo tau fa’ama’alili le latou polesi ua ova le vevela. Sa iai le teineititi sa savali mai ile togavao, sa ui tonu mai ile fale o Pea e tolu ma fa’amatatasi ile faamalama olo’o 

matala. “ Sasala mai le manogi polesi. O le tala lea ale tamaitai. Manogi manaia. E maona fua ai lava lota manava!” O le taimi lea sa a’e (Pe’a) ai ile faamalama.

Na tofo e Goldilocks le polesi a le tama o Pea. 

“Fiolae” ua ova le o’ona!” Na uma toe tofo male polesi ale tina o Pea. “ Oka Oka e”. “Ua ova le suamalie!” Mulimuliane, sa tofo loa ile polesi a le Pepe Pea. “Oi sole!” “Lea la” sa uma lelei ona ai e o’o lava i mea sa panupanu ile ipu. Na savali i tumutumu vae i totonu ole fale ma tau atu i nufoa e tolu ma faapea ane, “O le a ou saofai loa.” O le tele tele ole nufoa sa toe oso ese ai. O le vaivai tele ole nufoa feololo sa le mafai ai ona toe aluese. Ole, nufoa laititi sa faapea e fetaui lelei mo ia. Peitai e oso tu i luga ae salalau tasi.

Sa matuai popole lava, ma alu loa i le sitepu i luga. Na tau atu i moega e tolu, ma fa’ata’ita’i uma. Ole moega tele ua maualuga tele. Ole moega feololo ua maualalo tele. Mulimuliane tau atu ile moega la’ititi, e fetaui lelei. Sa faapena loa ona taoto ma moe loa.

Mulimuli ane, na omai Pea e tolu mole latou malutaeao. “E iai le kagaka ua ga aia la’u polesi!” ole oke lea a pea toeina. “Ua ai foi ele tagata la’u polesi!” ole tala lea ale Tina o Pea. “E iai le kagaka ua ga aia la’u polesi ma ua uma lelei leai mase mea o totoe” ole tagi lea a Pepe Pea.

Sa tilotilo atu pea e tolu i latou nufoa. “E iai le tagata sa nofo i la’u nufoa!”ole oke lea ale pea toeina. “E iai foi le tagata sa nofo i la’u nufoa!” ole tala lea a le Tina o Pea. “Sa gofo foi le tagata i la’u nufoa ma o lele ua malepe ninii!” ole tagi lea a Pepe Pea. Na alu le solo a Pea e tolu i luga le sitepu. “E iai le tagata sa moe i lo’u moega!” ole oke lea a Pea toeina. “E iai le tagata sa moe i lo’u moega!” ole tala le ale Tina o Pea. “E iai foi le tagata sa moe i lo’u moega ma o lea lava e i!” ole tagi lea a Pepe Pea.

Ole pisapisao na avea ma mea e ala ai Goldilocks. Na matua’i lagona le fefe ole teine ina ua tilotilo ane oloo tutu i ona luma Pea e tolu. ‘Auoi!” Sa tagi le tamaitai. “Auoi! Auoi! Auoi!” Sa puna ese mai Goldilocks ma faanatinati ese atu loa mai le fale o Pea nei e tolu, e lei toe foi ane lava.

O ina e le’i toe tatalaina ai le faamalama pe a o e savali ile vaomatua.


Holy Spirit Artwork

Holy Spirit Artwork

  1. What did you accomplish?

I have accomplished Holy spirit art.

  1. Are you satisfied with your final artwork? Why / Why not? Yes I am satisfied with my Holy Spirit artwork because I love the way I did my Dove and the cross.

  1. What did you find easy when creating your Holy Spirit artwork? What I found easy was Drawing the cross.

  1. What did you find challenging when creating your Holy Spirit artwork? In my artwork, what I found challenging was Drawing the wings of the Dove.

  1. What do you need to work on? Putting more descriptive art to the Dove.

  1. What would you adjust with your Holy Spirit Artwork? What I’d change about my artwork is the Doves eyes and the short tail.

7. What would you do next time to improve your Holy Spirit artwork? The Dove.

Monday, April 12, 2021

My Samoan Pepeha

The hardest thing to do was writing my Samoan version.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Monday, March 29, 2021

Sunday, February 28, 2021

My Mothers Journey to New Zealand

 My Mothers Journey to New Zealand

My Mother's name is Luafitu Ikenasio. My Mother was born in 1980, and was in Samoa at the time. So my Mother came here to have a better future, and better education. My Mother’s primary school was Good Shepherd. After primary school she then went to Marcellin College to start off her intermediate and secondary schooling from form one to seven. After that she moved into best training institute to study business administration and also went to do her work experience at the district court. My Mother’s first job was at a freight company as a receptionist. Her second job was going back to the district court. She went and worked at timber specialists as an accounts receivable, then moved again to CSG finance. My mother moved again to her current job, Temperzone Limited as an accountant. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Mary Mackillop's lifetime

 Mary was born in 1842 Melbourne Australia. They are scottish,and her family is Flora and Alexander. Mary was well taught by her father Alexander.

When Mary was eighteen she moved to township of penola  south Australia. Where she became the camerons-governess.

Sister Mary Mackillop was elected as mother superior general of the Josephite order in 1875. This was a groundbreaking achievement for a woman.she was canonized by the catholic church on January 19, 1995, by Pope John Paul the second citing her heroic virtue.

Mary was excommunicated by bishop sheil on 22 september 1871 for alleged insubordination, most of the schools were closed and the sisterhood almost disbanded. The excommunication was removed on the 21 of February 1872 by order of the bishop nine days before he died.

Mary Mackillop was paralyzed and could not move half part of her body and was better a week or day later then had a stroke in 1902, then passed away seven years later.

Mary Mackillop and the first Josephites embraced and became involved in education of children from poor families and the care of orphans, young women in  need of protection and destitute women of all ages.

Serve in a variety of ministries of being and presence,

Of suffering and healing,

Of educating and caring,

They continue to experience and reveal God's loving kindness. They strive to be in harmony with and to contribute to the total mission of the congregation and of the local church.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Listen to God's call / Mary Mackillop values, Listen to God's call, Do your Bit, Make Room For All and (Attitude of Gratitude).

This is my word art for R.E, and is based on the values of Mary Mackillop

This one is called (Do your bit). 

Listen to God's call / Mary Mackillop values, Listen to God's call, Do your Bit, (Make Room For All) and Attitude of Gratitude.


This is my word art for R.E, and is based on the values of Mary Mackillop

This one is called (Make Room For All). 

Listen to God's call / Mary Mackillop values, Listen to God's call, (Do your Bit), Make Room For All and Attitude of Gratitude.


This is my word art for R.E, and is based on the values of Mary Mackillop

This one is called (Do your bit). 

Listen to God's call / Mary Mackillop values, (Listen to God's call), Do your Bit, Make Room For All and Attitude of Gratitude.

This is my word art for R.E, and is based on the values of Mary Mackillop

This one is called (Listen to God's call).