Thursday, June 20, 2019

Quick Write - If I could fly, I would...

If I could fly, I would

If I had the ability to fly I would fly on top of Mt
Everest and dance on top of it. After that I will
fly and buy food from Pak n Save then go to my
home and have a feast with my family.

When I am 25 I will fly to outta space with infinte
oxygen and fly to all the planets except the
ones that kill you.
Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune. If the clouds were soft, see through
and we can sit on them, then I would fly on top
of one and watch the world.

If I could fly, I would fly to the United States of
America and Florida to meet all of my favorite
fortnite youtubers. I’ll probably play some
games with them.
Image result for gaming on the clouds